Bob Bolling
Walt Kelly
Carl Barks
John Stanley
Dick Briefer
Sheldon Mayer
Bob Montana
Dan Gordon
Floyd Gottfredson
Hank Ketcham & Al Wiseman
Harvey Kurtzman
Jack Kirby
Jay Ward
Looney Tunes
Comic Strips
Monday is for lovers
Comics Curmudgeon readers! Do you love this blog and yearn for a novel
written by its creator? Well, good news: Josh Fruhlinger's The Enthusiast
is that no...
Scope Samples #1
Wide Worlds: *The Spirit of St. Louis *and *55 Days at Peking*
“Wide Worlds” for Greenbriar purpose will recognize scope titles available
to us for ho...
Mikros - Titan Microcosmique!
Created by Marcel Navarro (as Malcolm Naughton) and Jean-Yves Mitton (as
John Milton)
Appears in Mustang Nos.54-70 and Titans No.35-87 (1980-1986...
Welcome to 2025... in the real world! Here in our world of reminiscing of
decades past, welcome to 1950!:
No matter how much time marches forward, let'...
Gil Turner in Coo Coo Comics!
Like so many other artists of his era, *Gil Turner* began his artistic
career as an animator, having begun his career at Walt Disney Studios in
1933 and m...
Stripper's Guide is Moving!
Those of you with a long memory might remember an announcement back in
April 2022 that I was working on a new website for Stripper's Guide. Over
two yea...
Clutch Cargo-1961
I read JACK AND JILL as a kid but not 'til 1965. I watched Clutch Cargo as
a kid but not 'til also around that same time. So I missed his 1961 comic
I don't know when I'll get back to doing this regularly again, if ever.
I've got paying gigs I have to focus on and software projects and such. I
am still ...
Flip-flopping Legionnaires?
How and why so many of my peers remained "so" invested in reading comics
books as we aged is a mystery that defies explanation? Don't get me wrong,
I stuck...
Mary Shelley’s *Frankenstein; or, the Modern **Prometheus* was first
published on January 1, 1818.
200 years ago.
On, now, to Frankenstein’s third cent...
Hanna Barbera Title Cards
So I’ve decided to start posting on this blog again, at least
semi-regularly for now. I’m going to start up again by sharing screenshots
of some great titl...
Rocky & Bullwinkle in Mexico
Frank Hursh, head of background dept at Gamma If you grew up with *Mr.
Magoo's Christmas Carol*, it's a good bet you watched Rocky &
Bullwinkle and all t...
Berni Wrightson's Classic SWAMP THING!
clas·sic - \ˈkla-sik\
*1.* a *:* serving as a standard of excellence *:* of recognized value [
*classic* literary works]
Moving to a New Blog!!
*I've moved on to my keen new sketchbook blog here...*
*I really enjoyed doing Inside Jeff Overturf's Head, but...
Attack on Titan
It’s no secret that I’m a big fan of live action manga adaptations (see the
sidebar *In Praise of Manga Movies*, *Asia Shock*, p. 105). Bringing the
R.I.P. Yvonne Craig
Along with Barbara Feldon’s Agent 99 and Diana Rigg’s Mrs. Peel, Yvonne
Craig’s Batgirl served as a formative example to pre-teen me that women
could be...
Bla Bla Bla
cyanide and happiness 4/8/15
I love this!
But honestly folks, and I'm talking to the 11 people who have read the last
weeks worth of posts, the well is ru...
The More The Merrier - 1943
Joel McCrea and Charles Coburn enjoy the latest installment of *Dick Tracy*
while Jean Arthur sunbathes in George Stevens' 1943 WWII romantic comedy *The
A Quick Character Sketch
Taking a quick pencil sketch and turning it into a quick, rough digital
Planning several comic stories involving this fellow, a rather nasty
Jack Cole's Higrass Twins 1940: Money Madness!
It's been far too long since I've posted anything new here at Cole's
Comics. Most of my comics scholarship and writing energy has been directed
towards b...
Dumping Google & Moving Forward
the ilovecomix archive has made a big decision to dumped Google Drive as a
host for the and we are now using Barracuda
Out of the Vaults: From Binko to Bluto
Omigosh... a Gerstein blogpost! They've been rarer than hen's teeth for
quite awhile, and some of you know why—I've spent the last year stretched
Buy "Mouse Chronicles" on Blu Ray and DVD
I strongly suggest you to buy one of the lates WB home video releases which
does include 20 restored cartoons, some of them with restored original
titles u...
He who blogs and runs away
*He settled *Hoti*'s business--let it be!--*
* Properly based *Oun*--*
*Gave us the doctrine of the enclitic *De*,*
* Dead from the waist down....
She-Rawk! "And so it begins..." Ep Debut
Hello Blog-Universe, I'm back! Well... sort of.
Life has been crazy these past two years with many ups and downs the
biggest being the passing of my swee...
"The Vanishing Dead" & "Chant of the Dead"
Today the theme is Death! Both of our stories from *Horror Tales*, Vol. 2
No. 4, July 1970 are concerned with the departed, so I thought I would give
Put Me Back In My Tomb
I have retired MCB but just wanted to let ya'll know I've fired up a Musick
Blog and will be spending time over there from now on. Please check it
out, it...
New Lee Falk book
On April 28th,2011 Phantom and Mandrake the Magician creator LEE FALK would
have been 100 years old. To celebrate his centennial, the Scandinavian
Chapter ...
Walt Scott's "The Music Box Trio"
And now, a Christmas story by Walt Scott , creator of The Little People.
According to Alberto Beccatini, this story was originally presented as a
NEA (News...
The Unbroken Dream of Edward D. Wood, Jr.
Directed by Edward D. Wood, Jr.
*Lyle Talbot* – Inspector Warren
*Bela Lugosi* – The Scientist
*Edward D. Wood, Jr*. – Glen...
Welcome back, Doug!
ReplyDeleteYou did it in style-
Hi Gabriel! I got busy for a little while... I'm going to try to post something new once a week, if I can.
ReplyDeleteHOLY COW!! This is amazing! Why can't anybody do comics like this anymore?!